Aerial of Block's Point

Aerial of Block's Point

Welcome to Block's Point Blog!

Block's Point centralized in Granby Township, Nicollet County, MN, can be found on the eastern shore of Swan Lake. This is paradise for us fellow hunters and friends and we would like to share our history and experiences with you!

Also, for other interesting history, please see the history section listed below! Give us a look and post any comments you have. Thanks for the visit!

Block's Point 1927

Block's Point 1927

Plat Map from 1927

Detailed above is the plat map at Block's Point and surrounding area. . .Note the Country School and Swan Lake Pavilion on this plat map and also in greater detail as shown below.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Steven and Kevin with their bag of ducks. . .Really a great start for the 2010 duck season. A total of nine birds! Not bad for their second season.
Nice. . .We are ready. . .we will keep picking. . .who is going to clean the birds?
Comes with the days hunt. . .time to clean! No problem! These really are some nice birds!
Well, looks like Dad (Bill) has the honors! Boys. . .this is how it is done. . .See, you start here!
These birds look tasty! Is the grill ready?
Yea. . .Breakfast of Champions!

Monday, September 6, 2010

South Point's new WL 2010 Drag King

The new WL 2010 Drag King being tested by the Lead Engineer, Ken Weertz after the 1st stage of manufacturing was complete. The WL 2010 Drag King was design using two W8 x 15 beams with stabilizing/skid angles to maintain proper material drop off at low elevations in the road during operation.
After 20 minutes of planning. . .Manufacturing Specialist Dale Larson performed the welding, while the Lead Engineer took on the roll as Senior Quality Control Manager to ensure proper weldments were to specification. Careful measurements were taken and a super structure jig was used to speed up the manufacturing process.
There are no plans for the Patent as of yet. . .3 years of testing on the South Point road will be required before all of the field testing including the Solid Works models can be submitted.
Click on the movie above for a complete seek peek at the new WL 2010 Drag King!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cabin 21
Ooops, how could I forget this one!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Hoffman's (Dream Team's) score card!
How cool is this picture! If you click on the picture to enlarge it, you will see this gentlemen just took the shot. The gun is discharging the shotgun shell with the clay pigeon to the left on the picture not broke, yet just after this picture was taken, he broke it! Digital camera's really do freeze the image. . .I enlarged this photo and actually can see the shot string about have way to the target! Neat!
A break in the storm. . .Time for another round. Hurry, before the next wave comes in!
6-17-2010: At the Nicollet Conservation Club for a night of trap shooting. It was a real active night for thunder storms with the real strong storms sliding off to the East and damaging tornado storms happening up North in Wadena, MN killing two people with others being injured as reported at the time this was written.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Soap House. . .1:00 p.m. sharp on Sunday at Ken Weerts. . .Instructions in hand, Merri Larson got her pencil sharpen for figuring the amount of ingredients required for the first batch of soap to be made.

A perfect day. . .Trish Larson sat, waiting to oversee the procedure and that they followed the instructions with only tich amounts to be allowed in making the proper mixture.
Ken, using his cell phone, wanted to use his phone a friend for one of his life lines to ensure the mixture will work when using tich amounts.

Trish explained to him that tich amounts are used all the time when cooking food. . .so why not when making soap?
Merri said. . ."We can use two tich amounts when putting the the dye in. . .Really!"

Trish was in total compliance and told Ken. . ."See, look at how pretty your soap is going to be!"
Steve Nixt asked "Do you have a copy right on your motion potion?" Ken stated, "Look at these ingredients. . .Who could copy this?"

Nixt agreed and said "What is this word? I can't even pronounce it!" Hell, you guys make it and I'll sell it! Let me call my friend at Walmart and we will make millions!"
The experts on their last batch of soap. . .Ken and Merri are kicking around the ideas for the Logo on Ken's SS Soap.

Mike Larson (not pictured) is running off to get his rifle shouting. . ."Alright Ken, we will settle the percentages the old fashion way. . .Meet me outside at high noon!"
Mike (a.k.a. Milo Sharps) Larson and Ken (a.k.a. Uncle Fester) Weerts in the middle of their negotiation's over the percentage amount to be shared for the millions to be made on Ken's SS "Love Potion Soap".